Monday, February 06, 2006

Health and Spirit

This column is for articles on healthy eating and lifestyles coupled with a spiritual progression.

The important attributes are:

  • Eating healthy
  • Praying daily
  • Studying scriptures

One winter when I was in my mid-twenties, I noticed I was beginning to feel tired all the time and I didn't have the energy I used to have. For the first time in my life, I was beginning to feel 'old'. This couldn't be right! I wasn't that old! I knew something had to change and I decided to try a juice cleanse.

My grandpa was a believer of the "Lemonade Diet", which is a 10-day program of drinking strictly a mixture of fresh lemon juice, water, pure maple syrup and cayenne pepper. I couldn't take that much time off work and knew what a trial drinking all that cayenne pepper would be. Luckily my parents introduced me to Dr. Christopher's 3-day cleansing program and gave me a small book outlining the program and how to eat a mucusless diet after the cleanse.

In the late spring I was finally able to do my 3-day cleanse and those 3 days changed my life. While I was home those 3 days, in-between drinking all that juice and water, I read the small book. It was so inspiring and motivating to me to live a healthier lifestyle that I wanted to keep learning more and more about how to keep my body clean and pure and healthy.

After my juice cleanse, I began a new life of eating mostly fruits and vegies. The desire to eat this way had grown inside me and continued growing as I kept reading and learning and putting into practice what I had learned. It was fun and I had regained my youthfulness. I had more desires to learn things and try new things I'd never done before. Life became an adventure instead of just living from day to day.

Some of the side benefits of my new eating habits didn't come about until a few months later. My forehead had been continuously bumpy for several years and I always had at least one ugly big zit breaking out somewhere on my face. But my face completely cleared up after about 4 months! I guess all those toxins began making their way out the proper channels instead of through my face.

Anyway, this experiment has been fun and I am a definite advocate for natural remedies!


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